Ipperwash Phragmites Phighters News
Ipperwash Swale
And the work continues On July 13, 2020 the Ipperwash Phrag Phighters hired Dr. Janice Gilbert, with the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre, her Truxor, and her Manual Control Crew to assist us in clearing the swale between West Parkway Drive …

Invasive Sweet White Clover
White Sweet Clover poses a direct threat to many of Ontario’s species at risk. Because of its fast growth, abundant seed production, soil changing abilities, and the fact that it prefers a similar habitat, it will outcompete and damage the …

Wetland Phrag removal
Twenty-four volunteers made terrific strides towards the restoration of the Tanner Road swale at Ipperwash. My brother, Scott, even donned waders. Dr. Janice Gilbert with the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre, and a Manual Cutting Crew, helped us achieve our goal …

Wetland Restoration Project
Our second massive undertaking to restore the Tanner swale is being held on Monday, July 13, 2020. In order to effectively manage the swale restoration, we need to remove the standing dead Phragmites, and the new growth before seed heads …

Invasive species or not
Which two pictures are not native to a swale? If you guessed yellow irises and yard waste, you are correct. Purple irises are native plants. Yellow irises are invasive and spread. Lawn waste could contain chemicals, insects or other harmful …

Removing Phragmites
Notice to property owner. Please monitor your property. Two large clumps of active Phragmites were removed from the beach in front of your property this morning while I was doing beach maintenance. Using heavy equipment to clean an area just …

Did you know..? IPP Facts
Did you know that 21 volunteers spent over 134 hours removing invasive Phragmites, Sweet White Clover and Spotted Knapweed from Ipperwash Beach last year? This does not include the hours spent picking up washed up Phragmites fragments, tagging Phragmites for …

Keeping up the fight
Phragmites group thanked its partners and volunteers Saturday with an appreciation barbecue
A stretch of open beach at the Lambton Centre in Lambton Shores simply didn’t exist two years ago.

Spading Reminder
Two beach walkers pose with 2 Phragmites stolon on the beach at MNRF Area 2. An orange pylon and tagged Phragmites will let our volunteers know where to spade. The Phragmites spading event will take place unless there is heavy …

Reminder: Dune Spading Day
From the Ipperwash Phrag Phighters: Volunteers are needed and welcome to participate in our Ipperwash Beach and Dunes Spading Event. Come out for a short fun event to improve and protect our community from the invasive species, Phragmites! When: Sunday, …
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