Category: News
Great Lakes water levels set to hit 15-year high
Published on By Samantha Edwards This spring, cottagers along the Great Lakes who have been anxious about disappearing shorelines are in for the highest water levels in 15-years, thanks to two unusually wet years. Last month, Lakes Superior, Huron, …
Great Lakes water levels set to hit 15-year high Read more »
Letter: Honourable Kathleen Wynne from K. Dorey
I plead with you, as the Premier, a citizen of Ontario and a person of authority, to take whatever measures are necessary to put yourself in a position of authority with regards to illegal actions within the Centre Ipperwash community.
Decision makers have an obligation
Decision makers have an obligation to learn the history of lpperwash Frustration has to be the operative word when describing the packed forum in Port Franks last week. The Centre Ipperwash Community Association invited cottage owners to an information session. …
Respectful, lawful solution
Council has endorsed a carefully measured response to Kettle and Stony Point First Nation’s suddenly announced removal of vehicle barricades.
Public meeting synopsis
Highlights from our public meeting at the Port Franks Community Centre in Port Franks December 20, 2014 We had a great turnout, more then 200 people attended this meeting. Eugene Dorey welcomed everybody, introduced the CICA executive and our guests, …
Tempers flare over missing beach barrier
PORT FRANKS – Frustrated Ipperwash Beach cottagers caught up in a dispute over an alleged First Nation historical trail demanded answers from municipal leaders and community association officials Saturday. But the answers were few and far between for some cottagers who became …
Don’t pave Ipperwash Beach paradise
I was disappointed and dismayed to read that the Kettle Point and Stony Point First Nations have removed barriers erected years ago to keep vehicles off the beach.
Banning vehicles from all Lambton Shores beaches

Banning vehicles from all Lambton Shores beaches one option for Ipperwash issue By Lynda Hillman-Rapley, Lakeshore Advance Pat Davis was in the gallery representing Lambton Kent Middlesex MP Bev Shipley. There was no one there from the Ministry of Natural …
Banning vehicles from all Lambton Shores beaches Read more »
Beach road endangers children
The barricades to prevent vehicle traffic being taken down between the Kettle Point and Stoney Point First Nations is opening our beach to erosion and pollution, taking away the freedom of it’s local citizens to enjoy one of Canada’s finest beaches.