Public meeting synopsis

Public meeting synopsis

Highlights from our public meeting at the Port Franks Community Centre in Port Franks December 20, 2014

We had a great turnout, more then  200 people attended this meeting.

Eugene Dorey welcomed everybody, introduced the CICA executive and our guests, mayor Bill Weber and Patrick Davis, chief of staff for our MP Bev Shipley.

Al Hannahson read the letters of regrets from

  • John Fraser
  • Assistant to MPP Monte McNaughton
  • Patty Hayman (St. Clair Conservation Authority)
  • Rob Wallis of MNR

Mayor Bill Weber addressed the people and stressed we have to work within the law, keep negotiating and hopefully get the federal government involved.

Grace Dekker made a presentation about the property rights.
(Grace’s presentation slides – PDF or PowerPoint)

  • Grace made a suggestion to take out a title insurance. This is a one time fee.

Jean Dorey talked about the safety of the beach, how dangerous it was with the high water levels in the 70s.

  • Barb MacDougall, a resident of Ipperwash Beach, told us her story. She was 12 years old riding on the back of a motorcycle when a car struck the motorcycle from behind. The motorcycle landed on top of her. For the next 5 years she spent every summer in the hospital.
  • In 1973 The MNR put up the barriers.

Gerry Rupke talked about the environmental impact cars cause while driving on the beach, damaging the embryo dunes and killing the invertebrates, a food source for different species. He also stressed how long it will take an embryo dune to form into a fore dune.

Mark Lindsey talked about the enjoyment of the beach for young and old: Walking, jogging, claiming a spot on the beach, swimming, wading, building sand castles, BBQ’s, sunsets, ice creams, in short the good life on the beach.

Questions and answers:

Barricades: Who owns them? Where are they? Can we put them up again, asked by numerous people?
The barricades are in Kettle Point yard. 3 parties were involved in ownership of the barriers. Mayor Bill Weber stressed to do it the legal way and not put them up for now.

Petition: Should we sign a petition?
Gerry Rupke answered by saying it is much more effective to send letters to the MP and MPP then signing a petition.

MP Bev Shipley: email [email protected]
Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne: email [email protected]
MPP, Monte McNaughton: email [email protected]

Insurance liability: Anything happening on cars driving on your property, you will be liable.
House fires set by natives the insurance won’t cover it claiming it is an “act of war.”

Boycotting: Someone asked the question about boycotting KP businesses.
This is an individual decision. CICA DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS!!!

OPP: Why aren’t they protecting us?
OPP email: [email protected]

Check out the police service act Schedule code of conduct:

Injunction: Why don’t we ask for an injunction?
$ 50,000.00 is not feasible and it takes up to 6 month.

Mayor Bill Weber addressed the people to stay calm and let the government and law to resolve this issue.

On the agenda for the next council meeting:

  • Bi law: prohibit vehicle traffic
  • Prohibit damage to the environment

Deb Hughes talks about our new website

Adjournment: at 3:00 pm
On behalf of the executives wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year

Eugene Dorey, Chair CICA | Verena Mueller, Secretary CICA