Ipperwash Provincial Park heritage centre

The Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation are proposing a three-storey hotel and conference centre along Lakeshore Road, its chief Tom Bressette told Lambton County council Wednesday.
The Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation are proposing a three-storey hotel and conference centre along Lakeshore Road, its chief Tom Bressette told Lambton County council Wednesday.
A flurry of closings followed the winter storm that buried Sarnia-Lambton late Sunday and early Monday in snow.
Geoff Coulson, with Environment Canada, said Monday that early estimates were that 20 to 30 cm of snow fell across Sarnia and the northern parts of Lambton County.
Your letter, along with letters from other concerned citizens, can draw attention to our problem at Ipperwash and influence public policy to return the vehicle barriers before someone is injured.
We need your help! Please take a moment and share the news it so others can get involved or get informed. It’s only two clicks but it means so much…
While one Lambton Shores council member wants to know if there will be better cost savings if they do their own policing, another is asking if the costly contract provides for a financial penalty. Lambton Shores is being asked to …
Midland Free Press, May 19, 2000. ( this article is a revised and updated version of TINY’S SHORELINE — A LEGAL HISTORY, which appeared in Issue #14 (Spring 1999) of The Tiny Cottager) Before summer’s hot days arrive, perhaps we …
Court rulings don’t support claim of open beaches Read more »
Public safety, liability, environmental impact continue to be issues pushed by Ipperwash residents Monday, January 26, 2015 2:58:41 EST PM Another barrier for the residents at Centre Ipperwash seems to be the lack of information from upper tier governments regarding …
UPDATE OF RECENT EVENTS RE THE ‘BARRIER’ DISPUTE AT IPPERWASH BEACH Tuesday, January 20: council meeting of the municipality of Lambton Shores: At the Dec. 18, 2014, meeting, specific motions were passed for staff reports on a possible by-law restricting …
We were correct in assuming residents who live at Ipperwash beach were not would be happy with the outcome of the private meeting last Friday with members of Aboriginal Affairs, the municipality and Chief Bressette and that there was really …
Deja vu: Lack of information frustrates Ipperwash Read more »