Phrag Friday: Not Diamonds, Hearts or Clubs, It’s Spades!

On Monday, June 26 a team of seven people from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority (SCRCA), the Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group (LSPCG), the Ipperwash Phrag Phighters (IPP), and the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre (IPCC) went on a Phrag scoping tour of the coastal dunes of Ipperwash Beach from West Ipperwash Road to Army Camp Road.
The good news: all of the team were impressed by how few Phragmites were visible. This could be, in part, because of the spading done last year. It was determined that local monitoring of the Phragmites on the beach will determine whether the appearance of large clusters will require a herbicide application.
At this time, it was determined that Phragmites growth was too scattered and would likely not meet the desired conditions to make a herbicide application effective this year.
So…..plans are underway to have a massive Phragmites spading event some time within the first two weeks of August. Participants will include a team of five MNRF Rangers, MNRF staff, Dr. Janice Gilbert from the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre and local volunteers. All participants will learn how to identify Phragmites, the proper spading technique and proper disposal. Please do not spray or spade Phragmites on the beach until then.
We hope you will take this opportunity to join us and help make our beach Phragmites free.
For more information, or to add your name to our volunteer list, please contact [email protected]
Also, check out the CICA website at Click on “Links” and then click on “Ipperwash Phrag Phighters” for more information about Phragmites. Please note this part of the website is open for public viewing.