Letter: To CICA from S. Viselli

Letter: To CICA from S. Viselli

Why is a Nation of People so strong about preserving this land wanting to destroy it with Pollutants and Motor Vehicles. Nature has giving us this beautiful land to spend freely and relaxing without the dangers of traffic.

Why oh Why does everything beautiful have to be destroyed. I remember when West Beach was closed to cars and it was nature at its best and I remember the beach with cars how disgusting.  Fuel in water, pollutants in the air. Boats in and out of the water everywhere. People and children running through parked cars and sands just flattened down to mud.. What a eye sore.

It was a happy day when they started to charge cars for going there in the hope that no one would go and pay. Now they want to open up the whole beach for free passage is disgusting. There is a trail called East and West Parkway for travel. Whats the matter with that for cars? Leave Mother Nature alone so we can enjoy.

As humans we have destroyed enough. Family fun and unity is what we need on a safe beaches is important. We have enough to worry about.

Please but back the Vehicle Barriers so we can play and be safe with Beautiful Nature. We are running out of it….   S. Viselli

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