Leaf Pick Up Program
Lambton Shores operates a Leaf Pick Up Program in the spring and fall at no charge. We will pick up your bagged leaves at the curb during the allotted time frame stated above as time and quantity dictates.
Lambton Shores operates a Leaf Pick Up Program in the spring and fall at no charge. We will pick up your bagged leaves at the curb during the allotted time frame stated above as time and quantity dictates.
Dive in and find out what it takes to understand and take care of Canada’s aquatic ecosystems. Visitors will get inspired to take action to protect our ecosystems. Join us to explore your aquatic side in this engaging, family-friendly, interactive exhibition.
More than two decades after protester Dudley George was shot and killed by an OPP officer at the former Ipperwash Provincial Park, a First Nations police force has assumed responsibility for the Stony Point area and its 50-odd residents. On April 1, …
First Nations police service taking over Stony Point Read more »
The show will go on for a 100-year-old Forest Theatre set to undergo a major expansion. The Kiwanis Club of Forest has kicked off a fundraising campaign to raise nearly half a million dollars for renovations at their Kineto Theatre. …
Sampling Results & Assistance UPDATE: March 2019 – the Lake Partner Program’s province-wide sampling results from 2018 are now available! Download data results below: Total Phosphorous results (PDF, 32 MB) Average Secchi depth results (PDF, 14 MB) Calcium results (PDF, 9 MB) Contact the Lake …
Connected Rural Communities Collaborate has opened a survey, to strengthen social inclusion throughout the region. A Grand Bend organization wants your input on your experience with social isolation. The Connected Rural Communities Collaborative (CRCC) received $75 thousand from the Ontario …
Grand Bend Organization Exploring Social Isolation Read more »
More than $3 million is headed to Lambton County municipalities in an attempt to grease the wheels on local government efficiency, the province announced this week. More than $3 million is headed to Lambton County municipalities in an attempt to grease …
Recently an email account used by one of our executive members has been hacked and as a result several emails have been sent out asking for money to purchase iTunes cards. The account hacked is cicaipperwash@hotmail.com and because the address …
A reminder to CICA members and our Ipperwash Community, there are several there is All Candidates Meetings tomorrow that you should attend. This is a great opportunity for you to see, hear and meet the Candidates vying for your vote. …