Water tests good

Public beaches where Lambton Public Health samples water quality regularly during the warm months have been given a clean bill of health this week.
The public health office for Sarnia-Lambton gathered water samples June 5 at the north and south beaches in Grand Bend, Highland Glen, Bright’s Grove, Canatara Park, Pinery Park and the Ipperwash main beach.
It said Friday in a news release that none of the beaches were posted this week with warning signs.
Lambton Public Health doesn’t sample water at beaches along the St. Clair River but has signs up at Seager Park, Branton Cundick Park and Brander Park cautioning swimmers that high bacteria levels can occur following heavy rains.
The water at beaches may be temporary polluted for up to 48 hours after a heavy rainfall, the agency said.
Also, if water because cloudy due to waves, bacteria from the lake bottom may become suspended in the water and increase the risk of illness, according to the news release.
Local beach water quality information is available at all hours by calling 519-383-3816, and online at www.lambtonhealth.on.ca.