Phrag Friday: Get Involved!

Phrag Friday: Get Involved!

Get Involved!  Ready!  Set!   Go!

The first community involvement was our Phragmites Open House which was held in August 2016.

This Spring strong winds caused high wave action along the shoreline,

Sections of the dunes were washed away.  Phragmites rhizomes (stems growing below the ground) were broken off and washed up all along the beach.

The second activity, “We’re Going on A Phrag Hunt!”  took place in September 2017.

A spading technique was introduced.  Phragmites were collected, dried and burned.

For “We’re Going on a Phrag Hunt-The Sequel!” , make a game out of collecting those washed up Phragmites segments.

Challenge your neighbour, your children or grandchildren to see who can fill a bag with those broken off Phragmites,

They may look harmless, but many are still viable and  will start  growing other Phragmites.

Take them home to dry and burn.  DO NOT compost.

Find out more about removal of Phragmites here.

What more info about plant identification? Check out this link.

Have more questions? Great email us! [email protected]