Twenty-two years after the tragic and fatal shooting of unarmed, Indigenous protestor Dudley George, there have been only a few changes at the former army camp. A handful of buildings have been torn down and some additions have been added, but the secure front gate still keeps trespassers away, and barbed wire lines much of the fences. It looks like a war zone — or at least, a former war zone.

Display boards are prepared for today’s “Ipperwash Beach and Dunes Phragmites Spading Day”. Spades are sharpened, (special thanks to Wayne Mansell), and 31 volunteers have registered. The Ipperwash Phrag Phighters, part of the Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group, would like to thank CICA, MNRF, the Lake Huron Coastal Centre, SCRCA and our community …

Phrag Friday: Spade Day Read more »

Help protect the waters edge in Ipperwash from Phragmites! Ipperwash Beach & Dunes Phragmites Spading Day – Friday, August 11, 2017 – 9:00 TO 12:30
with provided for those who register.
Spading Demonstration at 9:00 a.m. Spading from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. Lunch at 6492 West Parkway Drive
Meeting Point: On the Beach at the end of Ipperwash Road

Tagged Phragmites

On the Ground Preparation-Phragmites Tagging The IPP are pleased to be participating in the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework. This is an international effort involving the whole Great Lakes Basin. Monitoring the growth and treatment of Phragmites and sharing information will improve our ability to effectively treat …

Phrag Friday: Tag – You’re It Read more »