Update from executive meeting

CICA is hosting a public meeting on Sunday, March 29, 2015, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Port Franks Community Centre.
Invitations will be sent out to Aboriginal Affairs, St. Clair Conservation, MNR, Lambton Shores, OPP
There will be a meeting first and afterwards you will be able to visit stations on topics such as: Environment, Safety and History, Trespassing, Membership.
MAA (Ministry of aboriginal affairs) teleconference meeting, February 26, 2015
Representatives from Kettle Point, Lambton Shores, MNR, St. Clair, West Ipperwash Beach, Eugene Dorey and Mark Lindsay from CICA will take part at that meeting.
Website https://centreipperwashcommunity.ca/
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Make use of this website! You will find templates for writing letters and all the contacts you’ll need to send these letters to.
Writing to our municipality, be sure to address your letter to Mayor and all Council Members, only then will the letter be put on the agenda. Wanting to speak at the council meeting, you will have to give 24 hrs. notice. Let’s aim for 40 letters to our Mayor and Council Members, just maybe we can get a discussion started on Ipperwash Beach at the next council meeting.
A new Group called “Save Ipperwash Beach” has been formed.
This group will coordinate with CICA but is a separate entity. None of the CICA executive is involved. They will address issues that CICA may not be able to endorse.
Until next time
Eugene Dorey, Chair CICA
Verena Mueller, Secretary CICA
Re: CICA public meeting March 29th. Should there also be representation from SPKPFN at this meeting as well?