Response: John Fraser, Constituency Assistant of Monet McNaughton, from B. Collins

Dear John,

Thank you for your reply to my email, on behalf of MPP McNaughton.

I encourage MPP McNaughton to continue to pressure the Premier and MAA for a resolution to this issue between the Province and Kettle & Stony Point First Nation before the lake unfreezes.

I have received no response from either the Premier or her office nor have I received a response from Minister Zimmer or the MAA office.

Mayor Weber’s response to the letter that I sent him was not encouraging and after Tuesday night’s Municipal Council meeting, there is still no report on the situation nor indeed was it on the agenda as far as I could tell.

I understand that MAA, The Municipality and the FN will be meeting tomorrow and so I need to stress that I continue to remain concerned about public safety, liability for property owners and the environmental impact.

I will continue to pressure all levels of government to have the vehicle barriers re-installed WHILE discussions take place. I think every level of government is naive to expect property owners to show patience and to remain calm in the absence of an effective interim jurisdictional plan and absence of information regarding progress toward a resolution.

The solution to this issue lies with the classification of the beach and foredunes as an environmentally sensitive area and designated Area of Scientific and Natural Interest.

This classification alone should be reason enough for all parties to agree to reinstalling the barriers while talks continue.

I look forward to news on the progress of talks after tomorrow’s meeting.

Sincerely, B. Collins

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