Happy Summer everyone!! We have had our first week of intense heat and we are looking forward to the months ahead for fun and great times with friends and family.
It’s been a busy three months for your CICA executive. We will outline some things we have been able to accomplish along with ongoing issues we are working on.
Let’s all enjoy the beach this summer. Here’s a few reminders for all of us.
Get out and explore the various trails Ipperwash has to offer. Come down and enjoy a day at the beach or take some time to walk along the shoreline. Continue to support our local business. Buy locally!
When down at the beach with the kids take advantage of the two TOY LIBRARIES available.

If you are boating, please do so safely and remember to carry enough life jackets for all on board. Don’t come in too close to shore and be mindful of swimmers.
The beach is once again nice and wide. There is lots of space for everyone but please be respectful to the people around you as well as the wishes of property owners on the beach. Let’s get along!!
Here’s a few other reminders for the beach and area.

Is it illegal to walk your dog without a leash in Canada? YES
All dogs must be on-leash at all times, unless posted signs indicate otherwise, or on property where the owner of the dog has the right of occupation.
Dogs may not be left unattended while tethered.
In Ontario leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is not allowed. Owners of dogs who are off-leash can be fined $365.00.
In Lambton Shores
Prohibiting Running at Large
The Council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores enacts that:
1. No owner of a dog shall permit his/her dog to run at large within
the Municipality of Lambton Shores at any time.
Control of Dogs
6. Within the Municipality of Lambton Shores, no owner of a dog shall
fail to keep his/her dog leashed when not on the owner’s property.
7. No person shall fail to remove excrement left by his/her dog in any
place within the Municipality other than the premises of the owner of the dog.

Let’s keep motorized vehicles off of the beach and trails.
In Ontario, if you drive an off-road vehicle on or across a public road, you must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid Ontario driver’s license. (Class G2, M2 or higher).
You may not operate an ATV in such a way as to disrupt or destroy the natural environment, including fish habitats, property, and plants or trees.
An ATV must be registered and display a rear license plate. (Except in exempt areas such as far Northern Ontario.)
Persons under 12 years of age are not permitted to drive an ORV except on land occupied by the vehicle owner or while under the close supervision of an adult.
ATVs require insurance.

Golf carts are not allowed on Ontario roads per the OPP.
There is an exception in Pelee Island and the Municipality of Huron-Kinloss, where a 10-year pilot program has been introduced that allows municipalities to pass by-laws governing golf cart usage on roads with a speed limit of no more than 50 kilometres per hour.
If you encounter any issues here’s some phone numbers and links you can utilize:
Report It
Welcome to the Report It Portal, a simple and streamlined approach for citizens to report an issue or request municipal services. By completing and submitting the form, your request will be sent to the appropriate municipal staff to address your issue or concern. Depending on the nature of your request, the response time may vary.
Using the online reporting portal
Please complete the online portal to submit your issue/feedback/service request. If your issue/request type is not listed in the drop-down menu, please select “other” and provide as much detail as you can.
Should staff require follow up information, they will use the contact information provided.
Is your issue/request type a time sensitive after-hours emergency?
- To report a by-law issue, such as a noise complaint, call 519-243-1400 (option 8)
- If you have a water and sewer emergency, call 519-243-1400 (option 6)
- For other general emergencies (e.g., fallen tree blocking road), call 519-243-1400 (option 7)
Do not use option 7 to report a noise complaint or by-law issue. To contact By-Law Enforcement, use option 8
You may have noticed the beautiful memorial planters at the three main intersections near the beach. A group of CICA executives along with volunteers put this project together to help beautify our area.
Half of the cost of the planters came from the Community Vibrancy Fund Small Project Grant. Partners in the program include Cordelio Power and Lambton Shores. We thank them.

Tenders have been received for the lighting on Army Camp Road.
The Can and Bottle Drive continues. Cans and bottles can be dropped off in the green wheelie bins, or at the garage, at 6492 West Parkway Drive. Pop cans go to the Wyoming Lions; and refundable beer and liquor cans and bottles for CICA. Monies raised will go towards beach activities.
Central Sanitation and Infrastructure Ontario have been approached regarding the repositioning of the port-a-pots to their former locations. Their current placement is an accessibility and safety issue.
Both Infrastructure Ontario and the Municipality have been asked to modify the entrance to the beach at Area 1 so that the pedestrian opening aligns with the crosswalk. Again, this is a safety issue.
We continue to look for answers to the updated signage project by I/O at all of the parking areas. As of this writing we have no answers and have not received a response to the following email we sent to The Minister of Infrastructure Ontario.

The Honourable Kinga Surma
Minister of Infrastructure
Province of Ontario
Dear Minister Surma:
I am writing to you on behalf of the Centre Ipperwash Community Association (CICA) in regards to ongoing issues we are having with Infrastructure Ontario and the lands they currently control in Ipperwash Beach.
Ipperwash Beach is a small peaceful community blessed with one of the best freshwater beaches in Ontario. During the summer months, our tiny community receives thousands of visitors who come to enjoy what the area has to offer. The beachfront consists of private and public areas. The public areas are currently managed by I/O.
Since I/O has taken stewardship (2020) of the 5 areas (parking and beach) along with 3 trails leading to the beach, the areas have gone into disrepair. Only basic services such as grass cutting and portable washroom maintenance have been provided.
All of the signage is in complete disrepair posing a safety issue for visitors along with creating an unsightly blemish on our otherwise beautiful community.To this end, Jeff Davis, Portfolio Real Estate Manager for Ipperwash, has been communicating with us about this issue for approximately 18 months.
Jeff has indicated that the signage project is completely done but is being held up awaiting funding approval. I have emailed Jeff numerous times in the last months and left voicemail for Jeff asking for feedback and an explanation as to what is holding this up with no response from him in writing or verbally.
As the summer season has begun, the thousands of visitors I referenced earlier are descending on our community. Perhaps you could provide us and the Ipperwash residents with some feedback. It would be much appreciated.
Ian Macdonald
Canada Day Walk – 2024
A record number of participants came out to our annual Canada Day Walk. 230 cups of ice cream were served. Special thanks to the organizers of the walk, to Driftwood Treasures for providing our gathering point and helping to set up, and to the Ipperwash Beach Club for providing the delicious ice cream, cups, spoons and napkins. What a great community!


We can’t do it alone and are always looking for a helping hand. If you have any skills that will help us run the association, we want to hear from you.
We will have two openings on the Executive for the coming year. If you want to get more involved in your community please let us know if you are interested.
If you just want to volunteer we can use your help throughout the year.
Writing, marketing, and legal skills may be your strength. Or you may just want to pitch in helping us with the various events we put together.
Get involved!!
Join CICA today
If you’re not already a Member of CICA join now and have a voice in your community.
Please follow this link to start enjoying the benefits of Membership!!