Natural gas for First Nations & Ipperwash

Natural Gas Service Expanding In Lambton Shores, Kettle Point

Nearly 400 properties at Ipperwash Beach, and Kettle and Stony Point First Nation will soon have access to natural gas service.
The Ontario Energy Board has granted approval for Union Gas to undertake a $1.8-million pipeline project under the Community Expansion Program.
Utility spokesperson Andrea Stass says they’ll be constructing about 20 km of pipeline and hook ups.
“For the actual hook up, the first 30 metres from the road is free,” says Stass. “If your roadway is longer than that, you might pay an additional fee but there generally isn’t a fee to hook up. There would be some costs, of course, for the homeowner to switch over their heating equipment if it’s heated by a different source.”
Stass says those heating their homes and water with natural gas can save up to $1,500 a year compared to using electricity, oil, or propane.
Pipeline construction is expected to begin this year and extend into 2018.
Source: Natural Gas Service Expanding In Lambton Shores, Kettle Point | Blackburn News