Lake Smith Conservationist Heritage Award

Presented to the members of the Centre Ipperwash Community to acknowledged their many efforts to preserve the Ipperwash Community for future generations to enjoy.

The inscription reads:
Stretching from the shoreline dunes of Lake Huron to the winding course of the Ausable River. Bosanquet has been blessed with a variety of unique natural environments and their associated human histories. Bosanquet boasts the largest remaining tract of the great oak savannahs of North America, rare inter-dunal meadows, numerous inland lakes and sloughs, and the mixed hardwoods of the Ausable River Valley. In turn, each environment has offered its own opportunities, providing shelter, sustenance and industry for those who have gone before.
Today, these same natural attributes draw vacationers from far and wide.
Some visitors decide to stay, to call this place home.
The best of these work quietly to preserve what remains as a legacy for future generations to enjoy.Presented to
Naturalist – 2010