Hazardous Wastes Day – Aug 29

Household hazardous waste drop-off event (Postmedia Network file photo)
Household hazardous wastes accepted on Saturday

A one-day drop-off event for household hazardous waste is being held in Lambton Shores Saturday, at the County of Lambton’s public works depot.
“Corrosive, toxic, reactive and flammable materials will be collected at the mobile depot,” said Public Works Manager Jason Cole in a news release.
“These items should never be placed in a regular landfill because they have the potential to injure sanitation workers and the potential to damage our environment,” he said.
The Lambton Shores event, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the 6958 Townsend Line depot will not be accepting PCBs; commercial, industrial, and radioactive wastes, electronics or explosives, including flares and ammunition.
Visit lambtononline.ca or call 519-845-0801 for more information.