Executive Update

Tuesday, January 20: council meeting of the municipality of Lambton Shores:
At the Dec. 18, 2014, meeting, specific motions were passed for staff reports on a possible by-law restricting the use of motorized vehicles and a report on a possible injunction to prevent environmental impact and/or repair to the dunes.
In addition, guidance was given for council members’ representing the municipality at meetings regarding Ipperwash Beach.
(An exact printing in the minutes of the Dec. 18 meeting follows in green.)
11.2. Report CAO 19-2014 – Re: Ipperwash Update 14-1218-05 Moved By: Councillor Bonesteel Seconded By: Councillor Maguire THAT Report CAO 19-2014 being an update on beach access issues in the Ipperwash area of Lambton Shores be received; and THAT with the intention of finding a respectful and lawful solution to the disputed matter of vehicle access to the Ipperwash beaches between West Ipperwash Road and Army Camp Road; and THAT the Mayor and/or CAO continue to press for a meaningful and timely response from both the Provincial and the Federal government as necessary, speaking to the claim of jurisdiction being made by Chief Bressette; and THAT the Mayor and/or CAO and if agreeable with the First Nations Minister, Ward 3 Councillor continue to represent the Municipality at any and all meetings related to public use of the Ipperwash Beaches; and THAT any representations at these meetings be guided by the following three principles: 1. That the Municipality asserts it own right and obligation to regulate activities within its road allowance including those affecting vehicle flow, and parking. 2. That notwithstanding the rights and obligations of affected property owners to represent their own 9Minutes of the December 18, 2014 Council Meeting 4 concerns, the Municipality will reflect citizen feedback, specifically including any concerns related to conflict of use that could affect public safety and negative environmental impact. 3. That time is of the essence in pushing for a common understanding and necessary actions of all stakeholders prior to May 1, 2015. Carried 14-1218-06
Moved By: Councillor Rupke Seconded By: Councillor Bonesteel THAT staff prepare a report on a possible by-law restricting the use of motorized vehicles on Ipperwash Beach. Carried 14-1218-07
Moved By: Councillor Rupke Seconded By: Councillor Bonesteel THAT staff prepare a report on a possible injunction to prevent further environmental impact to the dunes at the beach and for repair of any damage to the beach dunes. Carried
The Ipperwash Beach issue was NOT part of the agenda at the January 20, 2015 meeting.
Councillor Gerry Rupke expressed his displeasure that the situation was not even on the agenda.
The executive of CICA met on Wednesday, January 21. (The minutes are found below in blue.)
Centre Ipperwash Community Association
Executive meeting – January 21, 2015
@ Verena’s
Present: Gene Dorey, Verena Mueller, Mark Lindsey, Al Hannahson, Debbie Hughes, Joanne Wilton, Gerry Rupke, Alison Wiseman
Absent: Grace Dekker, Joan Graham
Minutes: Motion made by Gerry, seconded by Al to approve the minutes from November 19, 2014, December 4, 2014 and December 15, 2014 as distributed by email. Carried
Treasurer’s report: We have 85 members and our balance is $5869.77. The investment certificate of $ 5,221.59 was due and Alison re-invested it. Another investment certificate of 2572.34 will be due May 20, 2015 and Alison will re-invest this as well.
Policing committee: Joanne reported the policing committee is drawing up a letter about safety concerns to be on the agenda for the next municipal meeting.
a) Brent has donated $2,500.00 worth of labour to set up our new website.
b) Letters circulating on the email list will be published on the website with a message saying, the letters being the opinion of the individuals and not necessarily endorsed by CICA.
c) Members only: For now the minutes of the AGM, the constitution and the dumpster day will be posted.
d) Pay pal: Brent and Deb are in the process of setting up pay pal
e) Poll: Brent and Deb will set up a poll to see what financial and other support we’ll receive from our Ipperwash residents
f) Membership blitz: Deb collected all the email addresses from the public meeting on December 20, 2014. Deb and Brent will start a membership campaign
Members: Joanne offered to deliver letters in Ipperwash to our members without emails.
Update from Council meeting: Huge disappointment! There was no follow up report on items a and b.
a) Bi-law to prevent motorized vehicles driving on the beach
b) Injunction
Gene will draft a letter to send to the council, to ensure these items will be on the agenda for the next council meeting held on February 20, 2015
OPP: Gerry wanted to lay charges for stolen property and was asked by the Forest Police Department if he owned any beach front property. He said he was representing CICA and CICA had some property stolen. He collected receipts from Alison and will pursue this matter. He was also approached by the OPP wanting to talk to the beach front owners. It was suggested by Al that the OPP should to go through municipality to obtain the names.
MNR: Gene talked to Rob Wallis and all talks have been postponed until beach area is settled.
Posts: Mark has put in some posts on his property and suggested we all do the same in the spring
Treaties: Check out Huron tract 34 treaty 29
Adjournment: Al made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Mark. Carried
It should be noted that a motion was passed that a letter be sent to the mayor and council of the municipality asking for a report on the Ipperwash Beach issue be on the agenda for the next council meeting. The letter will be posted as soon as it is ready to send.
The group organized by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs met on Friday, January 23. In attendance were MAA staff including an assistant Deputy Minister, who chaired the meeting, Mayor Bill Weber, CAO Kevin Williams and Councilor Gerry Rupke from Lambton Shores. Kettle point also had 3 representatives at the meeting, Chief Tom Bressette, Ron George (ex OPP/Lawyer) and Verna George (Staff).
Only the Chief, Mayor and, ADM were authorized to speak to the public about the meeting.
(The official report by Mayor Weber is found below in red.)
There is not a lot to report from our meetings.
Those involved do recognize the importance of moving forward as quickly as possible and will continue to do so. We will also share information that becomes available…. the following is a statement from Friday’s meeting.
We are committed to continue discussion and it became evident that, CICA, MNR, and St Clair Conservation authority need to be included at the resolutions table…An expanded Beach use strategy and further meetings are planned going forward ..two more meetings are scheduled for February.
Mayor Bill Weber
Municipality of Lambton Shores
It is apparent that there is a sense of urgency in the handling of the issue because TWO meetings are scheduled for February. Also, it is good that CICA, MNR and St. Clair Conservation are to be invited.
CICA will continue to keep everyone updated as much as possible.