Emergency Cleared

Lambton Shores Cancels Localized Emergency
Lambton Shores has cancelled its localized emergency declared Wednesday June 17th after natural gas from beneath a pond on Indian Hills Golf Course sent geyser-like eruptions into the air.
The Municipal Emergency Control Group met Monday with property owners and technical experts and said sufficient information had been provided for the municipality to cancel the emergency for the golf course and surrounding subdivision as of 3pm Monday.
In a news release, the municipality says the naturally occurring gases have substantially decreased and the situation is being managed in a localized area on the golf course which remains closed until geological data is assessed.
Air and water quality monitoring and subsurface investigation are ongoing but the municipality says there is no longer any threat to the public, the local economy or municipal infrastructure.
It was initially thought that naturally-occurring methane gas was causing the spectacle.
via Blackburnnews.com | Lambton Shores Cancels Localized Emergency