Council supports new OPP contract

While one Lambton Shores council member wants to know if there will be better cost savings if they do their own policing, another is asking if the costly contract provides for a financial penalty.
Lambton Shores is being asked to continue to support the existing nine member format of the Lambton Group Policing Contract, and supports the 2015 identified enhanced contract service items at a per household cost of $9.95. Staff are also recommending that Lambton Shores requests that the Lambton Group Police Services Board and
Detachment Commander review ways of providing information to member Councils specifically focused on understanding and ideally reducing costs associated with identified calls for service. Council received a report on the services provided by the Lambton Group by the OPP.
Meetings were held with the area Mayors and senior staff to review the costs, and in the 2015 budget, the new funding model shows a reduced cost for Lambton Shores for policing in the amount of approximately $ 326,000.00.
The $9.95 number is calculated if all nine members agree to the increase. The calls for service is an added cost. Weber told council calls for service in 2010 is reported to be 1,343 and in 2014 that number decreased to 995. “So we are going in the right direction,” he said.
Councilor Doug Bonesteel asked if Lambton Shores decided to opt out of the OPP services and go out on their own with a police service what would it cost. Mayor Bill Weber said it would cost more than the $9.95 increase being asked for now.
Councilor Gerry Rupke asked,”Since the OPP provides an essential service to the municipality of Lambton Shores, the services provided are detailed in a legal contract, with an annual value of approximately 3.1 million dollars, representing almost 30% of the municipal operations budget. This is the largest contract we have.”
“If the OPP, in the opinion of the municipality, breaches it’s obligations under the contract, does the contract provide for a financial penalty? If not why not, since all other municipal contract include these penalty clauses?”
Council agreed to support the contract.
via Lynda Hillman-Rapley, Lakeshore Advance