Boat Safety

Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) in partnership with the Lifesaving Society Ontario have launched an online boating safety program targeting new boaters, particularly new Canadians who may be experiencing recreational boating for the first time. STARTBoating is a comprehensive program designed to teach basic boating and water safety skills. The program is available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi and Tagalog.
The program consists of a series of online, interactive videos, which guide the user through the basic skills needed to safely enjoy a day on the water. While suitable for all boaters, the program was developed with Canada’s growing immigrant population, especially newcomer families, in mind (A study commissioned by the Lifesaving Society found that 31% of new Canadians planned to participate in boating activities during the summer months).
To find out more visit the following links:
- Here is a link to the STARTBoating website: - CSBC’s website, a great resource of data and press releases available: